"I am who I am"
"This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
What does this mean? Moses just asked God for his name because he wanted to have some assurance that the israelites would take what he had to say seriously, and God just said "I am"
Well, I am who I am as well... but its not my name! What kind of a name is that? What is God's identity? I want to offer an answer in part to this question, or at least try to understand the question a little better by asking a few simpler ones myself!
What is a car? How do we define a car? it has wheels (usually around 4) space for people to sit in, and a method of moving them around using some sort of engine. We define a car by understanding what other things come togeather to make it up. Same with a tree, or a fire, or water, or the colour blue, or anything really... even philosophical systems of thought.
What about God? How would we define God? Can we define God? of course not! God is the being from which everything derives its existance. If God were not, then nothing would be. We can know nothing in the absence of the structure created and defined by God. (see prov 9:10)
I can say with 100% certainty that God just is. Everything else is defined in relation to him: logic, matter, spirit, good, love, even being. Nothing can define God, no name can be given to God to give him an identity because he gives definition to the idea of a name!
How can we give God a name then? I would propose that we just say that he is. He is who he is: "I am who I am"
God is beyond comprehesion. Which makes the fact that he allows us to know him all the more flipping awesome! Lets get rid of the boxes we put God in and just worship with awe because we can! :D
"What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?"!!!! (psalm 8)
What does this mean? Moses just asked God for his name because he wanted to have some assurance that the israelites would take what he had to say seriously, and God just said "I am"
Well, I am who I am as well... but its not my name! What kind of a name is that? What is God's identity? I want to offer an answer in part to this question, or at least try to understand the question a little better by asking a few simpler ones myself!
What is a car? How do we define a car? it has wheels (usually around 4) space for people to sit in, and a method of moving them around using some sort of engine. We define a car by understanding what other things come togeather to make it up. Same with a tree, or a fire, or water, or the colour blue, or anything really... even philosophical systems of thought.
What about God? How would we define God? Can we define God? of course not! God is the being from which everything derives its existance. If God were not, then nothing would be. We can know nothing in the absence of the structure created and defined by God. (see prov 9:10)
I can say with 100% certainty that God just is. Everything else is defined in relation to him: logic, matter, spirit, good, love, even being. Nothing can define God, no name can be given to God to give him an identity because he gives definition to the idea of a name!
How can we give God a name then? I would propose that we just say that he is. He is who he is: "I am who I am"
God is beyond comprehesion. Which makes the fact that he allows us to know him all the more flipping awesome! Lets get rid of the boxes we put God in and just worship with awe because we can! :D
"What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?"!!!! (psalm 8)