Don't quote me on this:

If i rant here i dont need to burn someone's ears off!

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Location: Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Became a Christian on the 10/03/00 and my life hasn't been the same since... I went to Uganda, China and South Africa on short term mission, spent 4 years at Bristol University, and five working in Kent & London. I'm now enjoying working as a student pastor in Leeds, being married and learning to be a dad!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Bifurcation points and becoming a Christian

I don't really know how to explain it - but becoming a Christian is a bit like moving along the x-axis of a topological graph and suddenly hitting a bifurcation point.

All the trajectories before the bifurcation point converge into one point - and all the trajectories after the bifurcation point converge on the likeness of Christ. Some trajectories are much faster than others (converge more quickly), some start by going the 'wrong' way and some don't really seem to move that much at all.

I guess the point I'm making is that becoming a Christian is a complete ontological shift. It's not the compilation of several intellectual arguments, existential Soul Survivor moments or the build-up of certain number of good experiences of the Church.

None of those work - none of those stand the test of time and persecution. Simon's identity was changed by Jesus - to Peter. Saul's identity to Paul. My identity from a curious alien bystander to a child of God.

How did I know? I was suddenly able to pray this very simple prayer about 8 years ago.

"Jesus reign in me, reign in your power. Over all my dreams and in my darkest hour. You are the Lord of all I am. Lord, wont you reign in me again?"

The Bible says that no-one can profess Jesus is Lord without having the Spirit of God. I had crossed that bifurcation point (although i wasn't to know what the word bifurcation meant until many years later!)


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